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2024年8月9日 2:00:00

【プレスリリース/世界初のフットチェックアプリSteplife、足病治療の専門医療機関「足と歩行の診療所 蒲田」に導入】

ヘルステック事業を展開する株式会社セカンドハート(本社:京都府長岡京市、代表取締役:石田幸広、以下セカンドハート)は、足病治療のパイオニアとして知られる「医療法人社団 足ノ会 足と歩行の診療所 蒲田」(所在地:東京都大田区、理事長:吉原正宣、以下足と歩行の診療所 蒲田)に、当社のクラウド型フットチェックアプリ「Steplife」が導入されたことをお知らせいたします。
セカンドハートは、今回のSteplife導入を機に、足と歩行の診療所 蒲田との連携をさらに強化し、足病治療の進歩に貢献してまいります。また、Steplifeの機能拡充を継続的に行い、全国の医療機関におけるDX推進を支援してまいります。

2024年7月21日 9:00:00

An interview article about Sido Alumni Weekly Live has been published.

Many people who work in the medical field are thinking about how they can make a bigger contribution to society. What does it take to use medical knowledge and experience to launch a global business and make it a success? Participating in the Start-Up Program may be the catalyst for taking that first step. After meeting people from ASEAN, Yukihiro Ishida launched a business to prevent foot amputations for diabetic patients, and participated in the 8th Start-Up program. We asked him how his experiences and encounters there led to the development of his business and his personal growth.

2024年7月17日 3:00:00

[Steplife was featured on Leverwell Nursing]

Representative director Ishida Yukihiro has worked as a clinical engineer supporting dialysis for 20 years and has seen around 300 diabetic patients.
He says he has even seen some patients who were forced to have their feet amputated.
Based on this experience, Ishida has begun an initiative aimed at eliminating foot amputations. Utilizing his knowledge as a clinical engineer, he has developed a foot check app that allows medical professionals and patients to work together to manage foot information, a VR education system for diabetic patients, and protective socks to prevent foot amputations due to trauma.

2024年5月14日 1:00:00

[Press Release/ World's first! Launch of "Steplife", a foot check app for early detection of the worsening of diabetes]

In May 2012, we released the app "Steplife", which digitizes the foot check. The increase in diabetes and its relationship with loneliness among the elderly are attracting social attention. In particular, the lack of awareness among diabetic patients in self-management is a problem. Therefore, Steplife, which offers a groundbreaking approach to diabetes management, is attracting attention. This app is the first of its kind in the world and is also related to work style reforms in the medical field and the 2024 problem. It is supervised by a diabetic specialist and a nurse specializing in foot care, and strengthens communication with patients, enabling early problem detection. Therefore, it is expected to reduce the risk of complications and reduce the medical burden.


The era of100-year life.

Acquire the ability to survive on your

own two feet at any stage of

life, we will create a future where people can

continue to participate in society.



To protect the feet of diabetics and reduce amputation  tozero.

While diabetes is on the rise in modern society,
awareness of risks of amputation and prevention methods are not sufficiently widespread.Raising awareness about diabetes can lead to prevention, early detection, and appropriate treatment.

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Utilizing a foot check app in collaboration with medical institutions, the app promotes self-management and enables continuous care.

​Advocating foot care 2.0.

 Foot care 

Strengthening cooperation with medical institutions, the condition of the patient is constantly monitored, then appropriate care and advice are provided. 

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